Welcome to the InPAC-2025 during March 26-29, 2025 at RRCAT, Indore. Abstract submission is now open. The website is under preparation and some links are not active. Please keep on visiting for updates.

Indian Particle Accelerator Conference-2025 (InPAC-2025)

InPAC is a biennial national event dedicated to the field of particle accelerators and related industry. Objective of the conference is to provide an ultimate platform to accelerator physicists & technologists of the country to exchange valuable experiences, expertise and knowledge. This platform also provides opportunity to share new ideas and recent developments among scientists and technologists, particularly younger generation, actively involved in design and development of frontier technologies in the field of particle accelerators.

In the series, the 12th Indian Particle Accelerator Conference–2025 (InPAC-2025) will be held at Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT) from March 26 to 29, 2025. It is our pleasure to invite you to attend InPAC-2025

RRCAT is the biggest accelerator centre of India and a home to two synchrotron radiation sources, namely, Indus-1, a 450 MeV synchrotron radiation source and Indus-2, a 2.5 GeV synchrotron radiation source. Indus-1 and Indus-2 are national facilities and operated in round the clock mode. RRCAT has also developed industrial accelerators and free electron lasers. RRCAT has developed various associated technologies like high power radio-frequency (RF) generators, magnets, beam diagnostics, ultrahigh vacuum, precision fabrication, control & instrumentation, cryogenic facility to support the R&D programmes. RRCAT has also established SRF infrastructure facilities and successfully developed and tested 650 MHz SRF cavities under the Indian Institutions Fermilab Collaboration.

InPAC-2025 will offer the complete review of new ideas, important results and ground-breaking technologies in the field of particle accelerator science and technology. The attendees will learn about world-wide highlights in cutting-edge accelerator research and development, hear about new projects, gain the latest insights into accelerator facilities across India and will have the opportunity to meet the experts in the field of particle accelerators.

Sponsored by Organizing & Host Institute Collaborators
For more information, please contact
Sanjay Chouksey
Chairman, InPAC-2025
Vijendra Prasad
Convener, InPAC-2025
Vikas Kumar Jain
Secretary, InPAC-2025
A C Holikatt
Treasurer, InPAC-2025