The DAE-BRNS Indian Particle Accelerator Conference- 2025 (InPAC-2025), covering different aspects of particle accelerators, is being organized at Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore, during March 26-29, 2025. The main objective of the conference is to provide a forum for interaction and exchange of knowledge in the field of particle accelerators. The technical programme of the conference will consist of invited talks, oral and posters presentations of contributed papers.
RRCAT, a major accelerator center in the country, is home to two synchrotron radiation sources Indus-1 (450 MeV) & lndus-2 (2.5 GeV) . RRCAT has also developed industrial accelerators, free electron lasers and various associated technologies like high power radio-frequency (RF) systems, magnets, beam diagnostics, ultrahigh vacuum, precision fabrication, control &instrumentation, cryogenic facility to support the R&D programmes. RRCAT has also established SCRF infrastructure facilities and successfully developed and tested 650 MHz SCRF cavities under the Indian Institutions Fermilab Collaboration.
InPAC-2025 will offer the complete review of new ideas, important results and ground-breaking technologies in the field of particle accelerator science and technology. The attendees will learn about world-wide highlights in cutting-edge accelerator research and development, hear about new projects, gain the latest insights into accelerator facilities across India and will have the opportunity to meet the experts in the field of particle accelerators.
A roadmap prepared by the Indian Accelerator Science & Technology community "Mega Science Vision-2035, Accelerator S&T and Applications" has been released.
Abstract of the Two-day Workshopon Electron Beam Welding for Particle Accelerators and Associated Technologies (EBWAAT-2024) is available. Click here to download.
Abstract of theme meeting on " Science with Free Electron Laser and High Power IR / THz Sources" is available now. Click here to download.