Role of Executive Committee:
The affairs of the Society are managed by an Executive Committee consisting of the following five office bearers viz. President, Vice President, General Secretary, Joint Secretary, Treasurer; and other ten Regional Representatives. The Executive Committee have fifteen members in all.
All the members of Executive Committee are elected directly by the members of the Society.
- The powers and functions of the committee shall be as follows :
- To realize funds by way of subscriptions, donations, grants, gifts, consultation fees etc., and to administer these funds for conducting the business of the Society.
- To acquire, sell, mortgage, change or otherwise dispose off or deal with all or any property of the Society for promoting the aims and objectives of the Society.
- To enroll members
- Generally to undertake all actions and activities which the committee deems conducive to the promotion of the aims and objectives of the Society.
- To appoint full time or part time salaried or honorary staff as and when needed and to rent premises for housing registered office etc.
- To terminate services of any employee of the Society.
- To enter into collaboration with any similar Society or institution and to accept and offer concessions in respect of membership dues etc. on reciprocal basis subject to ratification by the General Body.
- To interpret the Memorandum of the Society and the Rules and Regulations subject to the provisions of the Society Registration Act XXI of 1860.
- To prepare and make available an annual report on the working of the Society.
- The committee conducts regular meetings at such times as necessary to carry out the business of the Society.
- The Executive Committee and all office bearers hold office for a term of two years. No office bearer shall be eligible for election to the same post for more than two consecutive terms.
- A notice of 15 days will be given for every executive committee meeting.
- Quorum for the Executive Committee :
The quorum is formed by at least five members including at least three office bearers, of which at least one shall be the President or Vice-President of the Society.
If there is no quorum, the meeting shall be adjourned for one hour. For the adjourned meeting, the quorum shall be formed by the presence of at least three members of which at least one will be an office bearer. The adjourned meeting cannot take ant decision on a matter not included specifically in the agenda for the meeting.