A roadmap prepared by the Indian Accelerator Science & Technology community "Mega Science Vision-2035, Accelerator S&T and Applications" has been released.
About ISPA Vision of ISPA Role of Executive Committee  Membership

ISPA Membership

The membership of the society is open to individuals without distinction of sex, caste, religion, race, or nationality and to institutions, recognized bodies and industrial organizations who subscribe to the aims and objectives of the Society. 

The Society shall have four categories of members

  1. Life Member:The life member must be a person enrolled by the Committee, on an application and should have a demonstrable professional interest in Particle Accelerators and/or related areas.  Life members are entitled for the rights and privileges of the Society.​
  1. Student Member:The student members must be a bona fide student pursuing study/research in any branch of Science or engineering directly related to Particle Accelerators and /or related areas.
  2. Corporate Member:The corporate member should be a registered commercial or industrial undertaking, an institution or recognized statutory body that has been active in the field of Particle Accelerators and/or related areas enrolled by the committee on the  application. These members have the right to nominate two of his employees as a representative to enjoy rights and privileges of the Society as hereafter prescribed, except the right to vote and the right to hold an elective office.
  3. Emeritus Member: A person of eminence in the field of Particle Accelerators as "Emeritus Member" can be offered Emeritus membership

Membership eligibility criteria

  1. Life Member: Should have degree or its equivalent from recognized university or institution and shall be engaged in-
    1. Education & Training or Research and Development related to Accelerator Science, Engineering, and Technology
    2. Design, Engineering, Construction, Commissioning, Operation or Maintenance of Accelerator Installation
    3. Design, manufacture, Testing and supply of Accelerator Equipment and /or instrumentation or Services
    4. Safety and Regulatory Functions related to Accelerator Science and Technology
    5. Consultancy in above fields
  2. Emeritus Member: The General body can elect a person of eminence in the field as "Emeritus Member" on the recommendation of the Executive Committee.

Membership Fee

The membership subscription shall fall due on the 1st day of the calendar year. With effect from 18.02.2011, the fee structure is as follows-

  1. For residents of India, the life membership fee is Rs.1000.00
  2. For foreign residents, the life membership fee is US$ 100
  3. An ordinary Membership fee is Rs.100 per year.
  4. Corporate Life membership fee is Rs.10, 000.00.
  5. Student membership is Rs.100 per year till he/she is a student.

Click here to download ISPA membership form.